Become alumni

All of us at the division at Human Rights Studies appreciates the value of keeping in touch with our alumni. We are keen to know what you do after your degree.

Human Rights Studies has a LinkedIn group as our alumni network called Human rights studies, Lund University. Our goals are to help graduates to build a professional network as well as create a platform to connect to working life. We also arrange Alumni Talks, were alumni share their experiences, as well as workshops.

Alumni are always welcome to initiate meetings with other alumni and or suggest different cooperation’s with us. Join our LinkedIn group and ask to be a member! 

Lund University has a central network for alumni’s, with a wide range of professional and social networks adapted to your education. To learn more go to Lund University Alumni


Programme Coordinator
Email: mrsmrs.luse 

Page Manager: kristina.robertssonmrs.luse | 2022-06-01